And to help me out... i got my new Watch, the Suunto Spartan Ultra. And OMG its nice. Still missing some functions, but that should all be in the next software update in late September. And, whats the plan then ? Well.. I gotta get some training done, aaaaaand i better loose some weight also (i'm over 90 kg atm :| ), but i'm damn sure that if i go full out on both from day one, i'll loose my head, and might just go nuts. So for now, its riding the bike to work each day, so thats 28km per workday. Then 2-3 days a week with a little running. Not much in the beginning, but that will get better. Then when the body is adjusted a bit, i'll start my stair running again, and also add on a backpack for my normal running. And every 2. weekend i'll go for an extra long bike ride, mainly the whole day with a 150+ km on the counter. Later the bike will be packed with the main stuff i'm bringing to Arizona.
Oh.. yea.. and what bike.. Well atm i'm not sure. I'm really hoping to get my hands on the new Scott Spark 700 Plus Tuned. I tried it this summer in the alps, on trails that looked a bit like what i can see from the AZT videos, and the bike was really comfy, light, and fast.
If that isn't happening, then its back to the good old Krampy, that I will upgrade with a Eagle group to get a super low gear, and maybe a Lauf fork for some extra comfort on the downhill sections. Two very different bikes, but i'm confident both can get me to Utah. Time will show, but the whole gear and info search has begun, and its really nice to be back both on the bike, but also behind the computer looking for the right solutions for the job in hand. Running shoes are calling... Cya ;) oh... yea.. a new AZT youtube video came out... thx to Jan for linking me.